July-August  1999


Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the
Chinese Revolution


1st October, 1999 marks the completion of 50 years of the victory of the Revolution in China which had thrown out feudalism, imperialism and bureaucrat capitalism from China’s soil.

It is in the course of the unfolding of the great Chinese Revolution and later, the construction of a socialist society in China, and the relentless struggle against the modern revisionism of the Khruschovite clique internationally and Liu Shao-chi internally that Mao Tsetung Thought has developed into the new and higher stage of Marxism-Leninism. It is absolutely essential for revolutionaries to grasp the universal significance of protracted people’s war that had developed in the course of the Chinese Revolution; the experiences and lessons of socialist construction and particularly the significance of the GPCR which is the concrete working out of the theory of continuing revolution until the establishment of Communism.

Today, when the reactionaries and revisionists all the world over are claiming that Marxism and Communism are dead; that revolutions under working class leadership have become irrelevant in the present phase of globalisation; and boasting that capitalism is the only viable alternative before the people, it is the bouden duty of the Marxist-Leninist parties to widely propagate the great achievements of the Chinese Revolution, the reasons for the set back leading to the restoration of capitalism and the lessons to be drawn from the experiences of China.

People’s March calls upon the revolutionary forces to launch a countrywide as well as world-wide ideological-political campaign to bring out the significance of the above on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Chinese Revolution.




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